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Ascension Ascension of of the the Lord Lord ✦

May 17, 2015 ✦

17, 2015 ✦ (B) ✦ May 17, 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY✦OFMay EASTER/PASCUA


art of my ministry involves sitting with families as they plan a funeral service for a loved one. There are often long pauses as thoughts flood their minds and memories hearts. They sitting share stories and grief. art of fill mytheir ministry involves with families as We pick readings and songs and talk about prayers. they plan a funeral service for a loved one. There Inevitably, we talk about what will happen after the funeral. Iare telloften them grief is a process, thatflood everyone it long pauses as thoughts their does minds 2015 differently, and that it would be good to ✦ be May gentle17, with each✦ and memories fill their hearts. They share stories and grief. other. In my experience, it takes about six weeks just for the We picktoreadings and songs and about prayers. reality begin setting in and to talk begin adjusting to this new situation. Things don’t get better; they get different, and the we Inevitably, we talk about what will happen after go on. funeral. Iart tellimagine grief is ainvolves process,sitting thatwhen everyone does it I can only how the disciples felt Jesus, whom ofthem my ministry with families as they loved, was crucified in front of them. They had only differently, andplan thataitfuneral would be goodfor to be gentleone. withThere each they service a loved just begun their grieving. I can only imagine the joy they other. In are my experience, it takes about six flood weeks just for the often longafter pauses thoughts their minds felt when he appeared his as resurrection, eating with and teaching them again, giving them everything they needed reality to beginfill setting and toThey begin adjusting thisgrief. new and memories theirin hearts. share storiestoand for what was to come. We pick readings and songs and talk about prayers. and we situation. Things don’t get better; they get different, I can’t help but wonder how they felt when he left them we into talkheaven—not about what dead, will but happen after the again, so very clearly goInevitably, on. ascending not with Ithem in thegrief sameisway. funeral. tell them process, felt thatwhen everyone does it I can only imagine how thea disciples Jesus, whom We celebrate Jesus’ ascension just past the with six-week differently, and that it would be good to be gentle each they loved, crucified in think front of They haddeath only mark from was Easter. I like to thethem. reality of the other. In my experience, itstarted takes about six in weeks just for the and resurrection has just to sink and that we’re just begun their grieving. I can only imagine the joy they reality toto begin setting and to situation. begin adjusting to this new learning move on in in this new felt when he appeared hislast resurrection, eating It’s no accident thatafter Jesus’ command to us with is and to and live situation. Things don’t get better; they get different, we that new reality and tell the world him. they needed teaching them again, giving themabout everything

P Ascension of the Lord P

go on.

Mary K atharine Deeley

Today’s Readings Acts 1:1–11 Eph 1:17–23 or Eph 4:1–13 or 4:1–7, 11–13 Mk 16:15–20 or Acts 1:15–17, 20a, 20c–26 1 Jn 4:11–16 Jn 17:11b–19

forI what wasimagine to come.how the disciples [emailprotected] can only when Jesus, whom I can’t help but wonder in how theyoffelt when he left they loved, was crucified front them. They hadthem only Acts 1:1–11 just begun their grieving. I can only imagine the joy they again, ascending into heaven—not dead, but so very clearly arte de mi ministerio consiste en sentarse con las familias como planean un servicio funeral de un Eph 1:17–23 or ser querido. Allí son a felt when he appeared after way. his resurrection, eating with and not with them in the same Liguori menudo pausas largas comogiving pensamientos inundan sus mentes Eph 4:1–13 or teaching them again, them just everything theysix-week needed PWe U BL IC AT I O N S celebrate Jesus’ ascension past the yfor recuerdos llenan sus corazones. Ellos comparten historias y dolor. Escogemos lecturas y canciones y hablar de oraciones. Inevitable4:1–7, 11–13 what was to come. mark se from Easter. Isucederá like to después think del the reality of the death Mk 16:15–20 mente, habla de lo que Today’s Readings I can’t help but wonder how they felt when he left them and resurrection has just started to sink in and thatdiferente, we’re y que sería bueno Acts funeral. Les digo duelo es un proceso, que todo el mundo lo hace para or ser amable con cada uno. En mi 1:1–11 again, ascending into heaven—not dead, but so very clearly Acts 1:15–17, learning to move on in this new situation. Eph 1:17–23 experiencia, se tarda deway. seis semanas sólo para ver la realidad y configurar y empezar adaptarseora esta nueva situación. Las not with them inalrededor the same 20a,4:1–13 20c–26or Eph It’s accident that Jesus’ lasty nosotros command us is to live cosas mejoran; consiguen diferente, Sólo puedo imaginar cómo se sintieron los discípulos cuando Jesús, Wenono celebrate Jesus’ ascension just continuaremos. past tothe six-week 14:1–7, Jn 4:11–16 11–13 new reality about him. athat quien amaban, fueand crucificado enworld frente ellos.reality Sólo tenían más death que empezar su duelo. Sólo imaginar la alegría que sintió mark from Easter. Itell likethe to thinkde the of the Mk 16:15–20 Jnpuedo 17:11b–19 Mary K atharine eeley cuando apareció después su resurrección, comer enseñarles de nuevo, dándoles todo lo que necesitaban para lo que estaba and resurrection hasdejust started to ysink incon and that Dwe’re or [emailprotected] Acts 1:15–17, learning to puedo moveevitar on inpreguntarme this new situation. por venir. No cómo se sentían cuando él los dejó de nuevo, de ascender al cielo, no muertos, pero muy 20c–26 It’s no accident that Jesus’ last command to laus is to live claramente no con ellos de la misma manera. Celebramos ascensión de Jesús justo después120a, deJnlas seis semanas marca de Pascua. Me 4:11–16 that new and tell the world about him.ha comenzado a hundirse y que estamos gusta pensarreality en la realidad de la muerte y resurrección aprendiendo a seguir adelante en esta Jn 17:11b–19 M ary K atharine Deeley nueva situación. No es casualidad que el último mandato de Jesús para nosotros es vivir esa nueva realidad y decirle al mundo que los [emailprotected] © 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 11, rodea.


Liguori, MO 63057


Today’s Readings

© 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 11, 2014, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsem*nt of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. Design by Lorena Jimenez. Images: Shutterstock. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521.

2014, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsem*nt of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. Design by Lorena Jimenez. Images: Shutterstock. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521.

PU BLKatharine IC AT IONS María Deeley Liguori, MO 63057

Liguori PU BL IC AT IONS Liguori, MO 63057

© 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 11, 2014, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsem*nt of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. Design by Lorena Jimenez. Images: Shutterstock. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521.

Inevitably, we talk about what will happen after the uneral. I tell them grief is a process, that everyone does it ifferently, and that it would be good to be gentle with each ther. In my experience, it takes about six weeks just for the eality to begin setting in and to begin adjusting to this new tuation. Things don’t get better; they get different, and we ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC o on. CHURCH I can only imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus, whom (510) 581-2570 hey loved, was crucified in front of them. They had only www.allsaintshayward.org ust begun their grieving. I can only imagine the joy they Fr. Ramon Gomez, Ext. 131 lt when he appeared after his resurrection, eating with and Pastor aching them again, giving them everything they needed [emailprotected] or what was to come. I can’t help but wonder how they felt when he left them CLERGY gain, ascending into heaven—not dead, but so very clearly Rev. Michael Castori, SJ ot with them in the same way. [emailprotected] We celebrate Jesus’ ascension just past the six-week mark from Easter. I like to Deacon think Larry the Quinn reality of the death nd resurrection has just [emailprotected] started to sink in and that we’re arning to move on in thisDeacon new situation. Rudi Fernandes It’s no accident that Jesus’ [emailprotected] last command to us is to live hat new reality and tell the world about him.



Liguori, MO 63057

LITURGY Mary K atharine Deeley

Church office hours:

8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Thursday, closed on Fridays Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm (limited services) Horas de oficina de la Iglesia: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Lunes - Jueves, cerrado los viernes 9:00 am-2:00 pm Sábado - servicios limitados

Lecturas de hoy

Today’s Readings

Hechos 1: 1-11 Efesios 1:17-23 or 4:1-7. 11-13 Marca 16:15-20 or Hechos 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 1 Juan 4: 11-16 Juan 17: 11b-19

Acts 1:1–11 Eph 1:17–23 or Eph 4:1–13 or 4:1–7, 11–13 Mk 16:15–20 or Acts 1:15–17, 20a, 20c–26 1 Jn 4:11–16 Jn 17:11b–19


Music Ministry Don Pribor Ext. 140 [emailprotected]


SCRIPTURE READINGS May 18, 2015 -May 24, 2015

Music/Young-Adult Ministry Artist in Residence Amanda Vernon [emailprotected]

© 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 11, 2014, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsem*nt of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work Monday may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © May 18 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. Design by Lorena Jimenez. Images: Shutterstock. Easter Weekday To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521.

FAITH FORMATION FF Coordinator: Jean Easterly Ed. D. [emailprotected] Youth Ministry: Theresa Murtey [emailprotected] School Principal: Jennifer Diaz (510) 582-1910 Ext.118 [emailprotected] RCIA & Men’s Ministry: Chuck Kennedy [emailprotected] OUTREACH Social Ministry Outreach: Dave McKeown/Chuck Kennedy [emailprotected]


Acts 19:1– 8 Jn 16:29 –33



May 19 Easter Weekday Acts 20:17–27 Jn 17:1–11a


May 20 Easter Weekday Acts 20:28 –38 Jn 17:11b –19


May 21 Easter Weekday Acts 22:30; 23:6 –11 Jn 17:20 –26


May 22 Easter Weekday Acts 25:13b –21 Jn 21:15 –19


CSUEB Ministry: Eunice Park—Campus Minister [emailprotected]

May 23 Easter Weekday Acts 28:16 –20, 30 –31 Jn 21:20 –25

Pastoral Council: Robert Lara [emailprotected]


CHURCH OFFICE Lety Arechiga ext. 122 [emailprotected] Tess Miciano ext. 121 [emailprotected]

May 24 Pentecost Acts 2:1–11 Cor 12:3b –7, 12–13 or Gal 5:16 –25 Jn 20:19 –23 or Jn 15:26 –27; 16:12–15

Carol Kennedy ext. 123 [emailprotected]

Scripture Readings: Courtesy of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051815.cfm











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 †✝ † Maria de Jesus Garcia    7:00PM 

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  ✝ Sofia Perido 11:00AM 

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 1:00PM

German & Leonardo

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♦  Lucy Wiest ♦ ◆ ◆ Eufemia Wiest ♦  ◆ Barbara Nicholson  Olga Manriquez ♦ ◆ Also members of our faith community  who have died, including: ♦ 

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 ◆ Patricia Philips ♦ ◆  Maria del Carmen Romero ♦ ◆  Anastacio Urbina ♦   ♦   ♦   ♦   ♦   ♦ ♦

All Saints is fortunate to have assisted listening those who   devices  for  have problems hearing the Mass. †    Please ask on of†the ushers to show     you where the easy to use devices   ††   located. We want are everyone to †    hear the Word of God. int   †




 Todos los Santos†esta afortunado



†      ✝ † Isidra  Cruz F 7:30AM int

   Sun


May  18, 2015 -May 24, 2015




May 18, 2015 -May 24, 2015  MASS INTENTIONS 




de tener   int para dispositivos los que 

tienen problemas†de audición de    †  escuchar la Misa.†intPor favor,   pregunte a uno de los ujieres     ††   † que le muestre donde están los      † dispositivos ubicados. Queremos   todos   que escuchan la Palabra   †  de Dios.    ††   


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 


        

   We are looking for people to join our Thursday group. We socialize,    pray together, enjoy a meal and play bingo. We also have guest  speakers. We would love to have you join us.      Thursday May 21, 2015 - Casino trip to Jackson Rancheria.  Bus departs at 8AM from Transfiguration Catholic Church on    East Castro Valley Blvd. in Castro Valley. Cost is $32, which 

 includes $20 back in slot play. Lunch is on your own. For more information, please contact Diana DeJesus at 510-581-0736.

Thursday May 28, 2015 - Noon –Potluck followed by Bingo. Dessert provided by Center. Thursday June 4, 2015 - Noon –Potluck followed by Bingo. Dessert provided by Center.

         

  All Saints Catholic School  

Please join us this coming Thursday evening, May    14, for our Spring Instrumental program. The   concert will begin at 6:30pm in the church. All    students who play instruments have prepared wonderful musical selections for you.   

 We will present our Spring Choral Concert the next week on Thursday, May 21. We hope you can make it.

Jennifer Diaz Principal To see all the great things happening at All Saints School, like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ascshayward (or search All Saints Catholic School) and follow us on Twitter @ascshayward

All Saints

Know Someone in Need? Not sure how to help? Check out “Faith in Action” the new Catholic Social Services Directory created by your Catholic Charities of the East Bay. This online resource can be accessed on your SmartPhone or your home computer and will put you in touch with local charitable organizations that can help with issues around Homelessness, Counselling, Healthcare, Domestic Violence, and many other needs our people may have. Go to www.faithinactionoakdiocese.org and help your neighbor! Frequently Asked Questions When will the Catholic Social Service Directory be in Spanish? We are working on this. But because of the importance of this resource we did not want to delay its introduction. As time and resources are freed up, we will move forward in translating this directory into Spanish. Will this directory be maintained and updated? Catholic Charities of the East Bay is committed to provide services that are useful and meaningful to our parishes and so we will regularly update the resources. If you are aware of additions, deletions or corrections, please contact: Steve Mullin at 510-768-3165. How can I make a hardcopy of the Faith in Action Brochure? Go to www.cceb.org/our-services/parishes to find a downloadable and printable version of it.

¿Conoce a alguien en necesidad? ¿No sabe como ayudarle? Descubra “el Directorio de Servicios Sociales Católicos en linea”, creado por Caridades Católicas del Este de la Bahía. Puede acceder a este recurso online desde su SmartPhone o desde su computadora, de esta forma, podrá contactar organizaciones locales que le ayudarán con los casos de Personas Sin Hogar, Consejería, Cuidado Medico, Violencia Domestica, y muchas otras necesidades de las personas a nuestro alrededor. Entre a www.faithinactionoakdiocese.org y ayude a su prójimo. Preguntas Frecuentes ¿Cuándo será traducido el Directorio de Servicios Sociales Católicos en español? Estamos trabajando en ello. Pero debido a la importancia de este recurso, no quisimos retrasar el lanzamiento. Con el tiempo y más recursos podremos traducir el directorio al español. ¿El directorio estará en continuo mantenimiento y actualizado? Caridades Católicas del Este de la Bahía esta comprometido a proveer servicios significativos e importantes a nuestras parroquias, debido a esto es que nosotros estaremos actualizando el directorio regularmente. Para adicionar, borrar o corregir cualquier información del directorio por favor contacte a Steve Mullin al 510-768-3165. Cómo puedo imprimir una copia del folleto de Faith in Action? Entre a www.cceb.org/our-services/parishes para descargar una versión.

Financial Updates-Actualizaciones Financiera FINANCIAL UPDATE $$$ LAST WEEK/LA SEMANA PASADA May 10th/10 de mayo Income budget/presupuesto de ingresos Over (Shortfall) for the week/Over (Déficit) para la semana

May-­‐15 This Year

Weekly Calendar & Facilities Reservations 5/10/15

Apr-­‐14 Last Year

15,928 15,095 14,425 15,250 1,503 (155)


Prepare to be a catechist and friend 2015 Budget 2014 Budget of a child with developmental 57,700 disabilities. 59,000 All training is provided. The one requisite is an open heart and desire to share and grow in faith with others. The rewards are mutual!

Budget Jan Feb

For more information please call Jean Easterly (510) 886-7617or send an email to Searching for a rewarding experience, one that will enrich your life? [emailprotected].

859 859.00 ones 3:00PM – 9:30PM -­‐ twos 6:30PM – 9:00PM 101 6:30PM 505.00 – 9:00PM fives 36 7:00PM 360.00 – 9:00PM tens 42 7:00PM 840.00 – 9:00PM twenties 6:30AM – -­‐ 11:00AM fifties 3:00PM – 9:30PM -­‐ hundreds 6:00PM – 8:00PM 2,598.50 6:00PM – 9:00PM

CYO GYM YLI SHC Young Adults-LD CHA MON 5/18 Latino Cursillo CAFÉ Liturgical Dance CHU Tues. Morning Breakfast AUD CYO GYM Liturgical Dance CHU Young Adults-MZ TNR TUE 5/19 6:30PM – 9:00PM Young Adults-MZ SHC 7:00PM – 9:00PM God’s Rainbow AED 7:00PM – 9:00PM Cursillo-RY BRI 7,073.55 checks Maintenance 7:30PM – 9:30PM Couples for Christ CHA 6,256.00 special 3,456.00 9:00AM – 3:00PM Seniors SHC Faith Dir Centering 5,896.00 monthly 967.00 11:00AM – 12:30PM BRI Prayer 3:00PM – 9:30PM CYOweekly GYM 5,560.00 1,017.00 6:00PM Ballet CAFÉ – 8:00PM Folklorico 15,928.05 11,456.00 5,440.00 6:00PM – 8:00PM Liturgical Dance CHU WED 5/20 (5,200.00) last week 6:30PM – 9:00PM Music CHA Rehearsal-DP 9,672.05 5,440.00 6:30PM Young Adults-Music TNR – 9:00PM 7:00PM – 9:00PM Liturgy Commission SHC last week adj 9:30PM – 11:30PM Ministry Team Meeting AED 6,256.00 8:00AM – 10:00PM School Spring Concert CHU 2014 2015 SHC 9:00AM – 3:00PM Seniors 2015 Actual 2014 Actual Education Maintenance St V incent d e P aul Education Maintenance 3:00PM – 9:30PM CYO GYM – 8:00PM Folklorico THU 5/21 56,338 62,629 6:00PM 2,366 5,597 Ballet 3,269 2,224 CAFÉ 5,495 6:30PM – 9:00PM Music Rehearsal-DP CHA 7:00PM – 9:00PM Encuentro Matrimonial AED 7:00PM – 9:00PM Pastoral Council SHC 8:00AM – 9:30PM 8 th Grade Rehearsal CHU 9:00AM – 4:00PM Arts & Environment CHU 3:00PM – 9:30PM CYO GYM 3:30PM – 4:45PM Tae Kwon Do AUD 5:00PM – 9:00PM Church-LA AUD FRI 5/22 6:00PM – 7:00PM Wedding Rehearsal CHU 6:00PM – 9:00PM ASFF Prayer Assembly SHC 6:30PM – 9:00PM Wolf Cub Scouts CAFÉ 7:00PM – 9:00PM Spanish Bible Study AED 7:00PM – 10:00PM Knights of Columbus-SP TNR 8:00AM – 10:00PM Reception-LA AUD 8:00AM – 7:00PM CYO GYM SAT 5/23 10:00AM – 1:00PM Wedding Mass CHU 6:00PM – 10:00PM Tongan Community GYM 9:00AM – 10:00AM Children’s Liturgy CHA 10:30AM – 12:00PM Couples for Christ CHA 11:00PM – 2:00PM Liturgical Dance BRI SUN 5/24 1:00PM – 5:00PM Youth Ministry GYM 4:00PM – 6:00PM HOW-OA AED

Searching for a rewarding experience, 30,872 34,626 28,850 29,500 one that will enrich your life? 2,022 5,126 We have begun a Special Religious Education Community Collection-­‐to-­‐Date/Colección-­‐to-­‐Date 284,977 290,980 here at All Saints for children who are 6-11 years of age. Income budgeted-­‐to-­‐date/Ingresos presupuestados actualizados 281,150 285,000 Over (Shortfall) for the year/Over (déficit) dThe el ejercicio 3,827 mission of SPRED is 5,980 Maintenance/mantenimiento 5,440 7,898 “To integrate people with developmental disabilities Please consider using Faith Direct for your monthly giving (EFT). Currently 346 families (including autistic spectrum disorder) give electronically (an increase of 45 families since 2014). Por favor, considere el uso de la fe directa to the346 faith and life of the church.” para su entrega mensual (EFT). Actualmente familias. Total May collection/Captación total de mayo Income budgeted for May/Ingresos presupuestados para mayo Over (Shortfall) for the month/Over (Déficit) del mes


April 30 -May May24, 6 2015 W eek Week of: May 2015– of: 34.5018, coins

We have begun a Special Religious Education Community here at All Saints for children who are 6-11 years of age. The mission of SPRED is ¡Bdisabilities ien v en id os a T o d o s los S an tos! “To integrate people with developmental (including autistic spectrum disorder) to theNosotros, faith and life of theel church.” pueblo de la Iglesia de Todos los Santos, juntos decimos que sí a Dios, a quien encontramos en la celebración y Prepare to be a catechist and friend elwith servicio las personas de todos los orígenes en Hayward y of a child developmentalde disabilities. All training is provided. más allá. The one requisite is an open heart and desire to share and grow in faith with others. Para más información sobre: The rewards are mutual! Bautizos For more information please call Jean Easterly Comuniones (510) 886-7617or send an email to to all the Women Cursillistas! Congratulations [emailprotected]. Confirmación Bodas, etc. If you know of children or adults with special needs, Favor de llamar a la oficina de please contact Jean Easterly, We areAll Saints forming a 4tha day prayer group here at All Saints. Faith Formation Coordinator, CatholicLunes Church. Jueves de 8am a 4pm. If you are interested in joining, please contact Pregunte por Lety Arechiga

If you know of children or adults with special needs, please contact Jean Easterly, Faith Formation Coordinator, All Saints Catholic Church.

Cathy @ 510-351-8355 or Lety @ 510-581-2570. If you are interested in making your Cursillo or want to find out what a Cursillo is, please call Cathy @ 510-915-8355 or Lety @ 510-581-2570.

YLI – WHY NOT? Centering Prayer

You are welcome to join us at our Centering Prayer meetings at All Saints in the Bride’s Room. Mornings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 11:00AM-12:15PM Evenings: 2nd Monday, 8:10-8:45pm, immediately following the Adoration of the Santo Nino. For questions or more information, please call the facilitator: Mornings: Melanie Smith 510/537-6563 [emailprotected] Evenings: Russ Young 510/828-8691 [emailprotected]

Legend AED = Adult Ed Room AUD = Auditorium BLU = Blue House BRI = Bride’s Room SCH/LIB = School Library CAFE = Cafeteria

CHU = Church GYM =Gymnasium TNR = Teen room SHC = Senior Hospitality Center GCH = Guadalupe Chapel CHA = Chapel


They have kept your word. -- John 17:6b

GOD’S RAINBOW meets in the

Adult Education Room Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm Our mission is to be the welcoming, supportive and healing presence for LGBTQ people and their families and friends, manifesting God’s unconditional love for all of His children. On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GodsRainbowOfAllSaintsChurch Phone: (510) 999-5157 Email: [emailprotected]


TONGAN COMMUNITY MA Y 23 r d , 7p m -9p m A ll S ain t s G y m L e t o u r y o u n g ch ild r e n t ak e y o u o n a t o u r o f t h e P acific I s lan d s w it h t h e ir t r ad it io n al d an ce s !!! C o n t e s t fo r B e s t H aw aiian A t t ir e , L im b o G am e , H u la H o o p s an d m o r e ! F o o d : T o n g an

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.