Science Courses - University College Roosevelt (2024)

  • Chemistry

    The molecular world. Large in content, small in size. In a word, chemistry is pushing electrons. It is fathoming the how and why of chemical reactions. And that means understanding mechanisms. In the Chemistry track, we will try to find common threads at the molecular level like the electronics of atoms, the flow of electrons between atoms, molecular behavior in reactions, and the like. Also, we will delve into chemical analysis by learning how to interpret spectra of molecules as to elucidate structures of molecules. This is hugely important in disparate fields as pharmacology and toxicology, food and perfume chemicals, and so on. Recommended for those students who like to be amazed and entertained.​

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Chemistry
    • 200-level: Intermedia Chemistry
    • 200-level: Biochemistry
    • 300-level: Advanced Chemistry

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Chemistry
    Pushing electrons; the shortest definition of chemistry. This definition, however, covers vast worlds. All we eat, touch, produce, paint on our walls and so on are made up of chemicals. Molecules. In this first part of the chemical track, we will delve into the atomic and molecular world. We will look at how atoms and molecules are ‘constructed’ and how they react. We will create ‘mental furniture’ of chemical concepts that will last you a lifetime. Great for wowing family and friends. And you will finally understand what all those E-numbers on food packaging represent: simple molecules!

    200-level: Intermediate Chemistry
    Having the chemical ‘mental furniture’ from the first course ‘installed’, we will look further into the world of molecules and how to analyse them. Spectroscopy will be front and centre, sort of, apart from some new chemical subjects -e.g. aromatics- we will study as well. NMR, MS, IR, UV-VIS and so on are on the table now, and if you want to know what that all means, join me in the next installment of this track.

    300-level: Biochemistry
    Biochemistry is the chemistry of life, chemistry being the basic science underlying biology. Although all organisms on our planet can vary enormously in complexity and biological properties, the same major bio-molecules are used as are many of the same or similar metabolic pathways. Thus biochemical knowledge is essential for understanding the molecular biology of cells, diseases and developing new bio-technologies. This course is recommended for pre-medical students or any curious science student wanting a deeper understanding of the chemistry of life.

    300-level: Advanced Chemistry
    The final installment of this track. So much left to do and so little time. Choices have to be made then. So we will delve further into the analytical world and spice things up with some interesting subjects such as polymer chemistry, secondary metabolites, pericyclic reactions, and other terms that seem incomprehensible. If you want to know more, wrap things up ‘chemically’ with topics in chemistry.

  • Cognitive Science

    How do brains make minds? In the Cognitive Science track you will try to grapple the very essence of human nature including its perceptions, emotions, decisions and actions by studying the human brain. We combine concepts from Neuroscience and Psychology, and draw on methods ranging from Physics and Computer Science to Anthropology and Medicine. During the last two decades, this integrated approach has yielded dramatic new insights about human cognition that are relevant to students from all backgrounds.

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Cognitive Science
    • 200-level: Neurobiology
    • 300-level: Psycholinguistics
    • 300-level: Advanced Cognitive Science

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Cognitive Science
    How do brains make minds? In the Cognitive Science track you will try to grapple the very essence of human nature including its perceptions, emotions, decisions and actions by studying the human brain. We combine concepts from Neuroscience and Psychology, and draw on methods ranging from Physics and Computer Science to Anthropology and Medicine. During the last two decades, this integrated approach has yielded dramatic new insights about human cognition that are relevant to students from all backgrounds.

    200-level: Neurobiology
    In this course, the focus will be on the biological aspect of neuroscience. We will practice with experimental techniques in the laboratory, such as cell staining and using a microscope, and compare the (brain) anatomy of different animal species. Next, we discuss the use of animals in neuroscientific research and discuss ethical and welfare implications. We will then focus on evolutionary pressures on animals, resulting in anatomical and behavioral adaptations. Lastly, you will gain a greater understanding of biorhythms and natural behaviors.

    300-level: Psycholinguistics
    Psycholinguistics is the study of the neurobiological and psychological factors that enable us to acquire, use, and understand language. This course focuses on, but is not restricted to, the neuroscience of language. Students will explore topics ranging from speech production and comprehension to the newest insights in language impairments. The acquisition of the first language as well as mechanisms of multilingualism will also be discussed. Students will also learn, hands on, about experimental approaches to the study of language and they are expected to become capable of understanding human linguistic capacity as the focus of multidisciplinary research.

    300-level: Advanced Cognitive Science
    This course builds upon the knowledge gained in the Introduction to Cognitive Science. It will deepen your knowledge of neurophysiology and neuroanatomy. The course focuses on the experimental approaches in the discipline, training you to evaluate research findings and design own experiments. A selected number of higher order cognitive processes will be dealt with, including memory, emotion, social cognition, attention, consciousness, decision making and planning. In addition to established knowledge, the latest research questions will be discussed in depth.

  • Computer Science

    Communications, commerce, medicine, and transportation have been transformed by the advances made in computer science these last 30 years. Social networks and e-commerce are well established. Personalized medicine and self-driving vehicles will soon become the norm. Algorithms, databases, networks, and operating systems are considered the cornerstones of computer science and, for this reason, the track has a separate course on each of these. Upon graduation, whether you want to work in information technology or pursue a Master degree in computing, the track is a great preparation.

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Programming
    • 200-level: Database Management
    • 200-level: Networks and Communications
    • 200-level: Artificial Intelligence
    • 300-level: Topics in Computer Science (currently: Operating Systems)
    • 300-level: Algorithms and Data Structures

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Programming​
    This is an introductory course in problem solving and computer programming in Java. Although Java is an object oriented programming language, the course begins by introducing traditional structured programming and data constructs (i.e. selections, loops, methods, primitive types, and arrays). Then consideration is given to the object-oriented programming constructs (i.e. encapsulation, composition, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, and interfaces). By the end of the course a student will have obtained a reasonable familiarity with the Java API (Application Programming Interface).

    200-level: Database Management
    Database management systems are one of the foundations upon which a modern economy is built. This is a course about such systems. The course begins by introducing SQL, a special-purpose language designed for managing data in a relational database management system (RDBMS). Then consideration is given to the theory underpinning relational databases, data storage and querying, and transaction management. By the end of the course a student will have obtained a reasonable familiarity with both relational and non-relational database management systems.

    200-level: Networks and Communications
    Computer networks are the foundations on which the modern commercial, entertainment, industrial, and social world is built. The course begins with the history and development of the modern Internet. Then consideration is given to the issues of packet structure, protocols that govern packet transmission, routing protocols, and the Socket API. Lastly, consideration is given to the specialist topics of transmission media, network security, multimedia network and cloud computing.

    200-level: Artificial Intelligence
    The application of artificial intelligence has already impacted several sectors of society: communications, industry, commerce, medicine, and transportation. Smart cities will be able to optimize resource use and make themselves more sustainable. Emergent technologies now support research into the building of machines that learn and think like people. This course aims to provide the student with foundational abilities in: knowledge representation, learning, planning, reasoning, and searching by agents.

    300-level: Topics in Computer Science (currently: Operating Systems)
    An operating system (OS) is system software that is the interface between hardware and applications. The course begins by introducing the typical structure of an OS, by distinguishing between processes and threads, and by explaining how an OS schedules work. Then consideration is given to the issues of concurrency, memory management, and file systems. Projects are undertaken to provide practical experience of modelling concurrency with Petri Nets, evaluating scheduling algorithms, and investigating part of an OS.

    300-level: Algorithms and Data Structures
    This course aims to provide the student with knowledge, skills and critical thinking ability in algorithm design and analysis. Inappropriate choice of algorithm and associated data structure can seriously impact on the performance of an application. The study of algorithm design and analysis provides techniques which help minimize the execution time of an algorithm. An emphasis is on the experimental performance analysis of algorithms. By the end of the course a student will have obtained an understanding of how algorithms have helped shape the modern world.

  • Earth & Environmental Science

    Earth Science is a truly dynamic and exciting field. As a result of natural and human influences, the face of the earth is ever changing. In the entry course, surface/deep earth processes, underlying phenomena like earthquakes, mountain building, rock/mineral composition are studied. In intermediate courses, important research tools and methods are explored and used, like stable/radio isotopes, earth system (climate) modelling, element cycles, and laboratory/field techniques examining soil and water. At the advanced level, in-depth courses in (bio)geochemistry and geophysics are offered, also linking to present-day environmental problems and solutions. Fieldtrips to the Belgium Ardennes, German Eifel, and the Zeeland Delta, provide the essential hands-on and outdoor training.

    • 100-level: Introduction to Earth System Science
    • 200-level: Earth System Science: Tools & Concepts
    • 200-level: Earth System Science: Soils & Aquifers
    • 300-level: Environmental Geochemistry
    • 300-level: Resource Geophysics

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Earth System Science This course offers a broad overview of processes and phenomena of the Earth system. Among topics with which the students will become familiar are: crystallization, phase diagrams, mineral/rock properties and determination, structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentation, sea-coast interaction, rivers and streams, rock formation, rock cycle, solar system evolution models, plate tectonics, seismic tomography, seismic hazard assessment, planetary science, mantle dynamics, core dynamo theory, earth magnetism, radio-dating. In the fall break a field study is carried out in the Belgium Ardennes.

    200-level: Earth System Science: Tools & Concepts
    This course will familiarize students with theoretical concepts and analytical tools essential to studying Earth’s hydro/tecto/atmosphere processes, such as stable isotope fractionation, (paleo) climate, ocean circulation and element cycles; and also to assessing hazards such earthquakes, asteroid impacts, sea-level rise, and CO2 increase. This is accomplished with a series of case-study modules comprised of lectures/demonstrations, (software) analysis exercises, and solution discussions; as well as a multi-day excursion to the German Eifel volcanic region.

    200-level Earth System Science: Soils & Aquifers
    Soils and Aquifers both are critical resources due to climate change and population growth threats to food and water scarcity. Students explore soils and water bodies with field and laboratory measurements/analyses. Weeks 1-7 cover soil formation, properties and health, as well as potential strategies for remediation and prevention of soil deterioration and erosion. Weeks 8-12 cover seismic and electromagnetic mapping of relevant physical properties of local fresh/salt-water aquifers to assess geothermal energy and coastal defense strategies as well as threats to freshwater supplies.

    300-level: Environmental Geochemistry
    This track-completing course complements Chemistry and Chemical Engineering tracks. It focusses on the biogeochemistry of natural waters (oceans, estuaries, freshwater bodies) and their interactions (adsorption, weathering, biomineralization) with rocks, soils, and minerals under near-surface conditions. Also on ore formation and processing, wastewater treatment technology and resource recovery. Advanced modeling tools are used, also in case study projects, such as olivine for CO2 capture, the green technology burden on resource budgets, and (anthropogenic) resource cycles.

    300-level: Resource Geophysics
    This course explores physics/math/computational tools for understanding sustainable uses of the Dutch subsurface and coast, including: competing plans for carbon/methane/freshwater sequestration and thermal energy extraction/storage; coastal engineering impacts on beach erosion, dike strength, and saltwater intrusion; new remote-sensing (GIS, drones) monitoring of underground changes. Theory covered includes: hydraulic/thermal flows; gravity/electromagnetic/seismic signal resolution/processing; non-linear modeling; brittle/ductile stability/failure of solids; coastal wave dynamics.

  • Ecology

    The biosphere consists of millions of species coexisting in a myriad of ways. Ranging from tiny viruses and bacteria, to blue wales, the biggest animals that ever lived on the planet, all these organisms are related to one another. They are part of intricate food webs via predation, competition, mutualism, parasitism and various other interactions. Reefs, forests, savannah systems and all other biomes also have a major influence on the Earth’s climate, chemistry, geography and circulation systems. Current issues like climate change, pollution, food security and the current mass extinctions are an integral part of most topics in Ecology. ​

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Biodiversity
    • 200-level: Ecology
    • 300-level: Topics in Ecology
    • 300-level: Marine Biology

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Biodiversity
    The biosphere consists of millions of living species. In this course we will travel through the tree of life, starting with bacteria and single-celled eukaryotes such as reef-building dinoflagellates and disease-causing apicomplexans. Next, we will look at the multicellular groups : plants, seaweeds, fungi and animals. We will also investigate the relevance of biodiversity for human society in fields such as food and food security, economy, climate and health.

    200-level: Ecology
    Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of organisms and the interactions that determine distribution and abundance. This course focuses on the basic principles of ecology. We will assess how organisms are impacted by environmental conditions and resources, and study the ecological principles that govern individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Two weeks will be spent on ecological modelling, as an important tool for understanding and predicting ecological systems. We will conclude with some actual cases of applied ecology.

    300-level: Topics in Ecology
    This topics in ecology course aims to provide the students with more in-depth knowledge of a number of selected topics in ecology, to provide experience in comprehending, presenting and critiquing scientific results and to provide experience in writing reviews and research proposals. Ecology is a complex science that focuses on three levels of biological organization: that of organisms, populations and communities/ecosystems. This course explores each of these levels. Therefore the topics in the course are equally divided over these 3 levels.

    300-level: Marine Biology
    This course focuses on the ecological processes that take place in the seas and at the boundaries of sea and land, gives an overview of marine systems like estuaries, rocky shores and coral reefs, and assesses the impacts of human activities on these systems.
    A substantial part of the course consists of guest lectures from marine scientists, lab visits, excursions, and some field work, indicated to provide the students with current and socially relevant examples of research that is taking place in this field. Finally, the students will demonstrate their mastering of the topic in an essay.

  • Mathematics

    The generalizing power of Mathematics makes the track relevant for many – if not all – disciplines in the Science and Engineering Departments. Obviously, Mathematics is THE language used in Physics and Computer Science, but the topics and techniques discussed also form the foundation of Statistics and Economics. The courses in the track cover a number of essential topics at Bachelor level: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Statistics, Fourier Analysis and Abstract Algebra. Combine Mathematics with Physics and Computer Science for a strong natural sciences Major, include it in an Engineering Major, or add Mathematics to Data Science, Economics, Sustainability, Cognitive Science and more. Let the power of Mathematics help you to come further!

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Calculus for Scientists
    • 200-level: Linear Algebra
    • 300-level: Theory of Statistics
    • 300-level: Signals and Systems
    • 300-level: Abstract Algebra

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Calculus for Scientists
    Mathematics is the language used to grasp understanding of, to explore, and to gain insight in any of the sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, and so forth, cannot be well understood or appreciated without sufficient skills in mathematics. The aim of this calculus course is to learn basic widely-used mathematical techniques, such as differentiation, various techniques for integration, complex numbers, and differential equations. These techniques are put into context in projects related to real situations in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, sociology, etc.

    200-level: Linear Algebra
    Linear algebra is the study of systems of linear equations and functions. Matrix operations and theorems involving matrices provide tools for handling many applications of linear algebra. Introducing the abstract concept of vector spaces allows for generalization of these ideas. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are used to understand the action of a linear transformation. A method for producing approximate solutions for inconsistent linear equations is developed. Singular value decomposition is a factorization technique for an arbitrary rectangular matrix incorporating many important aspects.

    300-level: Theory of Statistics
    This course introduces Mathematical Statistics. The first part discusses probability theory. This theory allows for calculating probabilities of a large variety of events that may occur possibly under the condition that some other event did occur. Discrete probability functions and continuous probability density functions related to random variables and their properties are introduced. The last part of the course discusses various statistical estimators that allow for estimating parameters of the underlying probability density function based on a set of observations of a random variable.

    300-level: Signals and Systems
    The concepts of signals and systems appear in a variety of fields. The physical nature of signals and the measurement systems may differ between applications, but they have in common that signals contain information about the observed phenomenon. The systems respond to signals by producing other signals or certain behavior as output. This course discusses how to characterize a linear time-invariant system and how it will respond to various inputs; convolution, Fourier series representation, Fourier transform, Laplace transform and Z-transform and their properties are the main topics.

    300-level: Abstract Algebra
    This course is an introduction to the fascinating field of Abstract Algebra; it will introduce some of the fundamental algebraic systems that are both interesting and of wide use. The aim of this course is to arrive at some significant results in each of these systems. The course starts with considering a set of elements. Rules imposing how operations behave on the set condition or regulate the nature of the set. These axioms define the particular structure of the set. This course studies some of the basic axiomatic algebraic systems: groups, rings and fields.

  • Pre-Medical Program - Biomedical Science

    The Biomedical Science track focuses on the more advanced functions of the human body, and relates to the causes, effects and possible cures of diseases. Naturally there is a link with clinical practice: what is the best patient care and treatments that modern science can provide? This track is closely related and complementary to the track in Life sciences. Students who are following the so-called Pre-Medical Program will complete the track in Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences. It is the shortest route to a career in Medicine.

    Courses in this Track

    • 200-level: Functional Anatomy
    • 200-level: Mechanisms of Disease
    • 300-level: Pharmacology
    • 300-level: Infection and Immunity

    Course Descriptions

    200-level: Functional Anatomy

    200-level: Mechanisms of Disease

    300-level: Pharmacology
    Pharmacology is the science of drugs including their origin, composition, pharmaco*kinetics, therapeutic use and toxicity. Functioning of the body can be affected by drugs, which act through a variety of molecular mechanisms. Pharmacodynamics and kinetics will be extensively discussed, followed by different aspects of drug use. At the end, students will be able to explain drug therapies in terms of molecular targets, cellular actions and their physiological consequences. They will also be able to suggest targets for drug development based on their newly acquired knowledge and skills.

    300-level: Infection and Immunity
    Infections and immunity disorders are a continuous threat to our lives. The fundamental processes in immunology (self vs non-self, innate and adaptive immune responses) are crucial for the understanding how the immune system deals with the daily threats. Also knowledge of the highly diverse microbial world is needed. A detailed specific understanding of microbial strategies to circumvent host resistance will be acquired. Basic principles as microbial virulence, inflammatory responses, tissue damage and apoptosis are discussed. The course will also deal with immune processes and diseases.

  • Pre-Medical Program - Life Science

    “What is life?” and what are the Life Sciences? According to Webster’s Online Dictionary, it is the branch of science that deals with living organisms and life processes. At UCR, we offer a series of 5 courses, all dealing with the various (biological) aspects of life. This includes the general aspects of growth, reproduction, and functional activity. You will learn how molecules, cells, and all signaling systems integrate in a living organisms.

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Life Science
    • 200-level: Molecular Cell Biology
    • 200-level: Human Physiology
    • 300-level: Molecular Pathology & Genetics

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Life Science
    This course introduces the fundamental characteristics of life on earth: The Cell as Unit of Life, Basic Molecular Biology, and Cellular Physiology and Communication. All biological life is composed of cells that are the basic building blocks of life. Cells take in energy and nutrients from their environment and convert it to biologically useful forms. Genetic information, i.e. nucleic acids that encode all cellular activities, is transmitted from one generation to the next. Mutations and recombination of genes, cause variation that enables evolution by natural selection.

    200-level: Molecular Cell Biology
    New discoveries and advancements in scientific research are proposed everyday. It can be overwhelming to keep up. This course provides the foundation for students to understand a vast array of practical applications in a multitude of life science topics. In this course students take a closer look at cell biology through five themes: Cellular chemistry and components, Genomes, Cellular dynamics (transport and signaling), Cell fates and Research methods. This course is open to any student that has successfully completed the Introduction to Life Science course.

    200-level: Human Physiology
    Physiology is the study of normal functioning of living organisms and its component parts, including all its chemical and physical processes. The focus is on the normal function of the adult human body and its different organ systems. Knowledge of the subject is essential for students with a (bio)medical interest and recommended for every student interested in their own body. To understand the fundamental concepts of bodily functions, the course is divided in 4 units: 1. Basic cell processes, 2. Homeostasis and control, 3. Integration of function, and 4. Metabolism, growth, and aging.

    300-level: Molecular Pathology & Genetics
    This course comprises of selected topics from general and molecular pathology and human (molecular) genetics. This includes cell injury and cell death, acute and chronic inflammation, tissue repair, regeneration and fibrosis, hemodynamic disorders and thrombosis, diseases of immunity, general pathology of infectious diseases, neoplasia, chromosome structure and function, genes in pedigrees and populations, human gene expression, functional genomics, instability of the human genome, genetic mapping of Mendelian characters, identification of human disease genes and molecular pathology from genes to diseases.

  • Physics

    Can we understand the fundamental behavior of the non-living natural world? Over the years physicists have created fascinating models to describe reality. We now understand quite a bit about not only the universe as a whole, but also about the smallest sub-atomic particles that it contains. Physics courses at UCR cover the most successful theories including classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, special relativity and quantum mechanics. But Physics courses are not just useful for learning about the world – students will also enhance problem solving skills and numeracy skills that are relevant in many disciplines.

    Courses in this Track

    • 100-level: Introduction to Physics
    • 200-level: Electromagnetism
    • 200-level: Quantum Mechanics
    • 300-level: Particle Physics
    • 300-level: Advanced Physics

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Introduction to Physics
    The foundations of classical mechanics are Isaac Newton’s famous three laws he introduced in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687. This book is generally considered to be one of the most important works in the history of science. We study the motion of objects subjected to a range of different forces. We introduce the concepts of kinetic and potential energy, and emphasize the significance of conservation laws for momentum and for energy. The course will be calculus-based, and students will not only focus on mastering key concepts but also hone their problem-solving skills.

    200-level: Electromagnetism
    All forces in the universe are electromagnetic, except for gravity and the forces within nuclei of atoms. At the heart of classical electrodynamics are the Maxwell’s equations, which concisely summarize how electrical charges are responsible for the creation of electric and magnetic fields. It is one of the most profound achievements of the nineteenth century and its technological applications have dramatically altered the face of the world. This course also covers Einstein’s theory of special relativity, and shows how it is connected to the unification of electricity and magnetism.

    200-level: Quantum Mechanics
    Starting with the Stern-Gerlach experiment, we will review the key differences between quantum and classical mechanics. We apply the key postulates of Quantum Mechanics to (simple) spin systems. Then we review wave function, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom and the harmonic oscillator. We will use approximation methods to solve the Schrodinger equation and to understand the helium atom and molecular bonds. We will also address the (dis)connect between classical and quantum theory, including the EPR paradox, Bell’s inequalities and some features of quantum computing.

    300-level: Particle Physics
    All matter in the known universe is made up from atoms, and these atoms are constructed from building blocks we call elementary particles. Particle physics is the study of what these particles are and how they interact. In the last 50 years, a theoretical model – called the Standard Model – has been built, and it is very successful.
    In this course we will study both some experimental and theoretical aspects of the Standard Model. We review the experiments taking place at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and discuss the great relevance of the discovery of the Higgs boson on 4 July 2012.

    300-level: Advanced Physics
    In lower-level courses, the subjects of mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics and quantum physics have been covered. This course will cover some topics at a higher abstraction level and demonstrate some connections between these fields. The starting point of the course is a rigorous treatment of the Lagrangian formalism – including the principle of least action – for classical mechanics. A key assignment in this course is that students will write their own physics paper. Throughout the semester, students will submit elements and get feedback.

  • General

    Courses that do not belong to a Track

    • 100-level: Science and Society
    • 100-level: Introductory Science Laboratory
    • 200-level: Intermediate Science Laboratory
    • 200-level: Life Science Laboratory

    Course Descriptions

    100-level: Science and Society
    The focus of the Science and Society course is to provide students an improved understanding of the vital role of Science in Society. The course will broadly travel through the various scientific disciplines. Special attention will be given to issues that bear great global and societal relevance. Such issues may include climate change, vaccination, the digital revolution, genetic manipulation and more. The class will also be welcome to suggest other hot issues they would like included in class discussion.

    100-level: Introductory Science Laboratory

    A must-do course if you aim to advance in experimental based science or increase your critical thinking about experimental results. This course is suited for pre-med, chemistry, earth science, biology and engineering students. Various spectroscopy, chomatograpy and UV-VIS techniques will be part of the course and introduced in an ever varying number of experiments. Working safely and precisely, and being able to make an experimental design are skills that will be trained.

    200-level: Intermediate Science Laboratory

    This is project-style course in which you will investigate the recovery of resources from waste(such as electronic waste) in practice. Economic extraction and recovery, while producing minimum waste streams is important in industry and agriculture. Based on literature, teams of students will propose treatment and analysis methods. Topics in the course are: leaching, adsorption, crystallization, cementation, toxicity, remediation.

    200-level: Life Science Laboratory
    This course is designed for a broad group of UCR student interested in life sciences. This course provides an introduction to the biochemical and molecular laboratory work performed in most labs today, and hence is a highly recommended course for all life science and medical track students. The students will be introduced to the following themes: Blood, Protein, Bacteria (identification and hygiene), DNA, and Bioinformatics.These themes are characteristic or representative of clinical and biomedical research. Additional clinical diagnostic themes are added whenever there is an opportunity.

Science Courses - University College Roosevelt (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.